Picadillo pockets with beef, potatoes and Pepperidge pastry

  • Picadillo pockets with beef, potatoes and Pepperidge pastry
    Picadillo pockets with beef, potatoes and Pepperidge pastry
  • IN THE POCKET This picadillo is primarily made up of a mixture of ground beef and potatoes, piquantly seasoned. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
    IN THE POCKET This picadillo is primarily made up of a mixture of ground beef and potatoes, piquantly seasoned. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
I like to keep prepared puff pastry on hand in my freezer. Pepperidge Farm is a quality brand if you are not making it from scratch. It’s also the most common one stocked at most local supermarkets. It can be found near the frozen pie shells. Of course, the pastry dough is ideal for both sweet, and savory treats. Viewing college basketball, and NFL playoff games has me in the mood for creating…

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