Peach crumble a taste of summer as fall approaches

  • Peach crumble a taste of
    Peach crumble a taste of
  • FOND MEMORIES This cobbler topping is similar to a biscuit topping but a bit denser, and a little crunchy on the edges. | ANGELINA LARUE PHOTO
    FOND MEMORIES This cobbler topping is similar to a biscuit topping but a bit denser, and a little crunchy on the edges. | ANGELINA LARUE PHOTO
Crisps, crumbles, and cobblers are all in order this time of year, with seasonal, fresh fruit available at all the markets. I’m a big fan of cobblers that are made with pie crust dough. And crisps made with oats, and maybe a few nuts, offer warm notes a little later in the season when we start to crave fall desserts. Crumble toppings are a fun way to prepare a cobbler-like dessert, as well. This…

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