Frosted cinnamon rolls a delicious heirloom recipe

  • Frosted cinnamon rolls a
    Frosted cinnamon rolls a
  • BAKER’S DOZEN This delicious cinnamon roll recipe makes 13 to 14 warm, delicious rolls, filled and frosted. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
    BAKER’S DOZEN This delicious cinnamon roll recipe makes 13 to 14 warm, delicious rolls, filled and frosted. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
Most yeast bread recipes can be made into loaves, rolls, and even cinnamon rolls. I recently tried making cinnamon rolls with my aunt’s yeast bread/roll recipe and it worked very well. Her recipe is a treasure to me—although I don’t think I’ll ever achieve her level of greatness when it comes to preparing it. This recipe is beautifully simple, yet it’s the care placed in each step that gives…

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