Baked feta-and-tomatoes sauce delicious over pasta

  • Baked feta-and-tomatoes sauce delicious over pasta
    Baked feta-and-tomatoes sauce delicious over pasta
  • Baked feta-and-tomatoes sauce delicious over pasta
    Baked feta-and-tomatoes sauce delicious over pasta
  • BAKED PASTA SAUCE is a twist on the newest Internet sensation. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
    BAKED PASTA SAUCE is a twist on the newest Internet sensation. | ANGELINA LaRUE PHOTO
If you are on social media, chances are, you have noticed a very popular craze going around that is centered around baking tomatoes and feta to create a creamy pasta sauce. The excitement apparently started with short, instructional videos on TikTok. The videos have been shared all over Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The basic recipe consists of roasting a couple of pints of small tomatoes,…

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